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5 Basic Tips to Lose Weight Naturally (You Don’t Have to Try Too Hard)

When your goal is to lose weight, there are mainly three factors that are important.

They are what you eat, staying physically active and ensuring downtime for muscle repair.

Normally, we would think that in order to get rid of the excess fats, that would require a tremendous amount of time and effort doing all sorts of exercises targeting every single muscle group. It is all too common to see fitness obsessed women spending ample of their time in the gym or doing cardio exercises intensively and excessively to burn those stubborn fats.

However, this is false. The 70/30 rule is all too real where 70% of your time and focus should be on your nutrition while 30% on exercising.

Here are our 5 basic tips to lose weight naturally without having to try too hard:

5 Basic Tips to Lose Weight Naturally (You Don’t Have to Try Too Hard)

When your goal is to lose weight, there are mainly three factors that are important.

They are what you eat, staying physically active and ensuring downtime for muscle repair.

Normally, we would think that in order to get rid of the excess fats, that would require a tremendous amount of time and effort doing all sorts of exercises targeting every single muscle group.

It is all too common to see fitness obsessed women spending ample of their time in the gym or doing cardio exercises intensively and excessively to burn those stubborn fats.

However, this is false. The 70/30 rule is all too real where 70% of your time and focus should be on your nutrition while 30% on exercising.

Here are our 5 basic tips to lose weight naturally without having to try too hard:

1. Food

● Good for you

- Protein-rich

Protein is made up of amino acids which are the building block of all muscles. Thus, it is necessary to consume food rich in protein to maintain and increase muscle growth. It also helps the muscle tissues to grow, repair and rebuild. Examples of protein sources include lean meat, fish and eggs.

- Fiber-rich

Having fiber-rich food such as beans, fruits and whole grains absorb glucose (sugar) into the bloodstream slowly. This makes us less hungry, and therefore eat less, lowering calorie intake.

- Whole foods

Whole foods contain less calories as compared to processed food. It is an antioxidant that helps with digestion and inflammation in the body.

- Spices

Spicy chili peppers contain a chemical called capsaicin that is responsible for improving our metabolism rate and boosting our bodies’ warmth.

● Bad for you

- Hydrogenated vegetable oils

Hydrogenated vegetable oils are man-made and they are used to keep the food seemingly fresh for a long time. It can be found everywhere from fried foods to cookies and table spread. When you are trying to lose weight, be very mindful of the food you are buying. Always have a look at the ingredient label and it is the best choice to have home cooked food instead of dining in or takeaways.

- Processed foods

Processed foods contain very high levels of sugar, salt and saturated fats. Some examples of it include breakfast cereals, white bread and sausages.

- Refined sugars

Refined sugars are added to processed foods most of the time to make them taste irresistible. It comes under many names in the ingredients label and it can be found in energy drinks, soft drinks and many more. It is preferable to steer clear of sugar or added sugar in your diet.

2. Liquids

● Good for you

- Water

It is a fact that people do confuse feeling hungry when they are actually thirsty. Drinking water before having food can help you to feel full and control your meal portions and calorie intake.

- Green tea

Among all the different types of teas, green tea contains the most amount of catechins which are natural antioxidants that get rid of free radicals in the body and help combat aging and inflammation.

- Lemon in water

Adding a slice or two in plain water increases your metabolism, improves digestion and helps with weight loss. Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C which makes the immune system stronger and fights against diseases.

● Bad for you

- Energy drinks

It contains refined sugar that is added by the manufacturers to make it taste sweeter. Drinking too much of energy drinks high in sugar can lead to cardiovascular diseases and fatty liver diseases.

- Carbonated soft drinks

Fizzy soda drinks have high levels of sugar content (aspartame) with no nutritional power. This would cause eventual weight gain and also lead to various health diseases.

- Fruit juices

When juicing, a lot of the essential fiber contents are removed from the fresh nutritious fruits and vegetables. They should in fact be consumed in its actual, whole and original state for maximum benefits.

3. Vitamins and Supplements

- Probiotics

It helps to maintain a healthy microbiome environment in the gut. Probiotics are good bacteria that fight the bad bacteria in the gut and it helps to maintain a healthy balance. They are vital for your body to digest food and build a strong immune system. Examples of probiotics include yoghurt, pickles and kimchi.

- Vitamin B

One of the main jobs of vitamin B is to help your body to break down carbs, proteins and fats to be used as energy. So, having more vitamin B in your body would increase your metabolism rate, and get the weight off. Sources of vitamin B are beans, lentils and eggs.

- Vitamin C

Studies have shown that vitamin C helps to lower high blood pressure, high cholesterol level and high sugar level in the blood. A June 2020 research found that vitamin C does help to lose weight and reduce waist circumference. Sources of vitamin C include kiwi, oranges and berries.

4. Exercise

- Running

You don’t have to sign up to a gym and pay a hundred dollars every month to lose weight. Just put on those Nikes and start running. Simple as that. Change up your speed every now and then to prevent your body from being accustomed to running at the same pace. Make your body work hard and sweat it out to burn those calories.

- Sprinting

Sprinting is one of the best exercises to lose weight. It uses your core abdominal muscles when you run a short distance at a high intensity. Push your body to its limits.

- Kickboxing

This is a physically intensive sport that engages your core, leg muscles and the oblique muscles. Great sport to burn calories and get in shape.

- Yoga

Feel comfortable to do some simple relaxing poses at home when you are free anytime. Just some light stretches to increase your flexibility and tone your muscles. This easy routine helps maintain a balance in your respiratory and cardiac health. You will notice an improved athletic performance over time.

5. Sleep is important too

Getting enough quality sleep at night is important.

Having a disturbed sleep stimulates your body to produce high levels of ghrelin that causes you to crave for midnight snacks or food. Sleep deprivation causes exhaustion and that leads to poor decisions made on a tired mind.

Having enough sleep is essential for your body to restore itself. Your tired muscles need time to repair and your muscle tissues need a long rest for proper regrowth.

Adequate sleep is vital for muscle recovery from intense exercise.

Well, those are our 5 tips to help you lose weight naturally.

Let us know how well it worked for you and if it helped you in any way.

On a side note, if you’re looking for a natural and organic supplement to aid you along your weight loss journey, we’ve got exactly what you’re looking for!

Click below to learn more about how to lose weight with our all natural and organic solution.

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